
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rescues: Fred and Rubble

These past two weeks have been very interesting for Fred and Rubble.  They've both grown so much independently.
Last week, I didn't have a whole lot new to report.  Mostly more of the same, not worth a new post.  Then this week... BAM!  Everything seemed to start to click.  Here's the most noteworthy and exciting:

  • Fred is an excellent loose-leash walker.  He confidently strides past the other buildings in the RSM complex, always next to your leg.  Our first walk was very scary, he would balk at the slightest sound or new sight.  After a little coaxing and experience, loose-leash walking is perhaps his strongest skill.  He developed naturally, I don't think any of the staff can take credit!  We showed him what to do, and he just does it.  Good boy!
  • Rubble has overcome most of his fear of going out the front door.  He goes through any doorway in the daycare center without issue, but leaving home is really hard.  Now he knows he'll come back, he's able to go through without too much fuss.
  • Fred and Rubble are now both too big for the small dog daycare.  While Fred gets a little too wound up in daycare, Rubble will be introduced to the big dog area soon.  Meanwhile, both are able to be taken out by the staff for regular walks throughout the day.
  • Fred developed an eye infection, and is taking his antibiotics like a champ when they're covered in meat roll.  Rubble is over his eye infection now.
  • Both Fred and Rubble have been worked by other trainers besides Ranaye or myself.  They showed off their skills like pros, and we're all so proud of how far they've come.
  • Ranaye mentioned that both boys were very brave, and met some girl scouts who came to visit!  Fred did an excellent down stay on his mat, and Rubble even accepted some petting!
  • Rubble is turning into quite the flirt in the lobby when we're working.  He will actually go sniff strangers in a friendly, curious way!  Petting is still off-limits to people he's unfamiliar with, but he really loves a good collar scratch from those in his circle of trust.
  • Fred is ball obsessed.  If you have the ball, he doesn't even want food anymore.  Just throw the ball.  When Ranaye would take her sheltie, Santana out to play with Fred and Rubble, Fred would retrieve the ball, and sort of nip Santana along the way.  Rubble, although thoroughly interested in chasing whomever is going after the ball, has no interest in the ball for its own sake.  When I play with Fred and Rubble without Santana, Fred would try to nip me to encourage me to throw the ball.  We put a halt to this, and his self-control around toy balls is much better.  He will sit when asked, and hold his sit while I pick up the ball, then I can release him to go chase when I throw it.
I leave you with this short clip of Fred and Rubble playing ball.  That yip yap bark?  Yeah, that's Rubble.

~Tasha Salsido, CTDI
RSM Staff Trainer

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cinco De Mayo Rescue Puppies

Wags & Wiggles Tustin welcomes FIVE new rescue puppies!  They were rescued the weekend of Cinco De Mayo from the Downey Shelter.

Ricardo - Male - 8 Weeks Old - Chihuahua Mix

Ricardo is a super fun and spunky boy!  He has lots of personality and constantly makes the staff laugh with his silly antics!  He is very playful and he is all about the toys! He is friendly with dogs and loves people!

Chiquita Loca - Female - 8 Weeks Old - Chihuahua Mix

Chiquita Loca is littermate sister to Ricardo.  She is super cute and sweet!  Very playful and loves to play with toys! She is doing very well with her training!  She is friendly with other dogs and loves people!

Margarita - Female - 12 Weeks Old - Chihuahua/Poodle Mix 

Margarita is the largest of the bunch! The staff have nicknamed her Chubs! She is super smart and is doing awesome with her training!  She is also very sweet and cuddly!  She is friendly with other dogs and loves people! She is very playful and loves to play with toys!

Rosa - Female - 12 Weeks Old - Chihuahua/Poodle Mix

Rosa is littermate sister to Margarita.  She is very sweet and cute and loves to cuddle! She is doing great with her training!  She is friendly with other dogs and loves people.  She is very playful and loves to play with toys!

Phillipe - Male - 12 Weeks Old - Chihuahua/Poodle Mix 

Phillipe is littermate brother to Margarita & Rosa.  He is super sweet and playful! He is doing great in his training and is very enthusiastic to learn!  He loves to play with dogs and loves people!  He also loves playing with toys!

Here is a video of all the puppies! 


If interested in any of our Cinco De Mayo Puppies - Please contact Lysa at 714-368-7077 or via email at for more information or to meet them!!!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rescues: Rubble & Fred

Rubble, I'm happy to report, had a very big week in terms of progress.  We worked almost exclusively in the lobby, rather than in his kennel as we have done.    We've started drilling Touch Recalls.  These are crucial for the daycare staff to be able to grab him whenever needed.  The way this works is:  I call his name when he is away from me, he turns to look at me for direction, and I cue "Come, Touch" while extending two fingers.  His job is to come right to my fingers and touch them with his little nose.  He has begun appropriately responding faster and faster as he's gained confidence.  He even let me do a collar grab!  I am now able to stand up while we do this exercise, something unthinkable in the beginning.  The sheer height of a human was too scary for him to function.  He'd shut down and not come near anyone standing up.

He's started on a potty walk schedule now that he's more comfortable walking on a leash with a person.  Going #1 and #2 on a leash is a big must for a potential adopter, and he's doing both fabulously!  We're still working on his resistance to going out the front door, but it's coming along with repetition, reward, and patience.

At my request, Ranaye allowed us to join her Wednesday Puppy Class.  He was brilliant!  He demonstrated his Go To Your Mat cue, as well as Sit, Touch, Name, and even some Leave Its.  He was just one of the gang at play time.  I was so proud of him.

Rubble's handling has continued to go extremely well.  He has retained his comfort with being petted, and really enjoys ear scratches, under the collar scratches, and strokes down his back.  A good back massage doesn't hurt, either.  He even allowed some of the staff to come over, sit next to him, and pet him during one of our sessions in the lobby.  He's definitely a staff favorite.

*     *     *     *     *

Fred had sort of a rough day on Monday this week.  He was not in a good state of mind, and was more shut down than I've had the pleasure of working with lately.  He had been in daycare most of the weekend, so we figured he was a bit stressed out.  Earlier in the morning, he had gotten into a scuffle with another puppy, and had started herd-nipping the staff. We had an easier day working in the kennel, instead of trying for the lobby.  We just did basic trust exercises:  Touch, Name, Go To Your Mat.  He wasn't up for handling whatsoever, so I didn't push it.

On Wednesday, he was the Fred I knew again, and we made good progress.  We flew through the exercises we did on Monday, and took it to the lobby.  He was very cautious of his surroundings, and had to check everything out before he could commit to any cues; but after determining there was no imminent threat, he would do it.  I just waited him out, let him think through it, and he showed me how much he really wanted to try.

On Friday, I resumed handling work, and we had a huge breakthrough.  I started with my basic chin-to-hand work, and he allowed me to work my hand back down his neck to his collar, where I could give him his first collar scratches.  He tolerated these fairly well, but should my hand move toward his ears, he would shake his head and pull away.  This is going to be a long, slow, process.

I was able to start taking Fred on a potty walk schedule this week.  He doesn't do as well in daycare as his smaller brother, so this is huge.  I'm happy to report, Fred also goes #1 and #2 on leash like a pro.  He has shown some dog reactivity in his kennel and on-leash, but as you can see, he loves to play with his brother.  We had a good session in the outside daycare area for Big Dogs.

We got to play outside Friday afternoon for a photo shoot.

The boys would play tag with me.  It was our first game together.
It was also really hot, so when they got to me, they would lie down.

I love Fred's eyes.  He's always so alert, intense.

I am honored to work with these boys.  I'm very attached, and the staff have already started dropping hints that I should take them home.  Were I not full with my wonderful three already, I would be tapping my husband on the shoulder. ;)

~Tasha Salsido, CTDI
Staff Trainer, Wags & Wiggles RSM