
Friday, January 6, 2012

To Breed or Not to Breed?

You love your dog, and so do we! Some of us love our dogs so much that we may even dream about having more, “just like him!” However, breeding your dog is a monumental undertaking, and should not be made lightly. As we mentioned in an article a few months ago, breeding dogs should not be a hobby or a “one-off” event.

Making the choice to breed your dog should involve extensive research on your dog’s breed lineage, history, genetic and health issues, temperament and performance abilities. Once all that has passed muster, are you ready and willing to not only be responsible for the prenatal veterinary care, but are you willing to be responsible for the puppies’ placement and livelihood for the rest of their lives? It’s a lot to think about, and rarely are there dollar signs at the end of the tunnel.

This graphic illustrates that decision-making journey in excellent detail. Follow the arrows to navigate the path of decision making.

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