As of September 2011 we have decided to add fecal (poop) and parasite testing to our daycare requirements. We have not had a big issue with the spread of parasites at our facilities due to our extensive cleaning and supervision, however we feel this new policy will only make our daycares and the community better. Some parasites can go undetected in dogs without symptoms of illness. There may always be a chance that your dog can get sick being around other dogs despite current vaccinations and fecal tests, but we want you to know that we love your dogs and want to implement everything possible to keep them happy and healthy.
This is what you need to know about this policy:
- We recommend two tests: Ova/Parasite Test and Giardia Elisa Test. The Ova/Parasite test is MANDATORY. The Giardia Test is optional but is strongly suggested especially for Giardia prone areas like Irvine. Giardia is notoriously hard to detect in a standard flotation fecal test. This is why we suggest the Elisa Test. The Ova/Parasite test will check for all other parasites such as Roundworms, Tapeworms, Hookworms, Pinworms, Coccidia & other parasites. We anticipate that if you have current status with your veterinarian there will be no office charge. Contact your own veterinarian regarding their own policies.
- If you are a new client, you must present confirmation from your veterinarian that your dog had a fecal and the results came back Negative. The test must have been done within 90 days prior to starting daycare or puppy class.
- If you are an existing client, you will have until November 1st to present verification of a clean fecal. The fecal must have been done in the last 90 days.
- All clients will be required to present proof of a clean fecal on a yearly basis. Hopefully you can tie this into your vaccination schedule. We will keep track of your fecal status in our computer and will remind you when your yearly due date comes around.
- If your dogs fecal shows a parasite, you must seek treatment, and present a clean fecal result to us at the end of the treatment.
We know that asking you to get this test done may be difficult for your busy schedule. However, we are confident that our clients will respond positively to keeping their dogs in the safest daycare possible. We recommend that you get this fecal testing done through your own veterinarian. However, in the case of immediate need (such as emergency boarding), we have made arrangements with a local veterinarian to be able to do the fecal testing through W&W. Please contact either the RSM or the Tustin Facility for details.
Any dog that shows up for boarding or daycare after November 1st without proof of a clean fecal will not be allowed in the play area until this testing is done.
Here is some additional information on Giardia and Parasites: Giardia is an organism that lives in the small intestine of dogs and cats. If your dog shows symptoms, it's usually very watery diarrhea. Some dogs will lose weight (but still eat fine), have bad smelling poop with an abnormal pale color. Giardia transmits through feces. Your dog does not have to eat poop to get Giardia. They can drink infected water on walks or at dog parks, they can get Giardia on their feet and then lick their feet, and through normal nose to butt greetings with other dogs. Treatment is usually a 10-14 day long treatment of antibiotics.
If you have any questions regarding this new policy - Please contact your Wags & Wiggles Facility today and we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Tustin: 714-368-7077 RSM: 949-635-9655
Personally, I think this is a great idea!!! The safer the better as far as I am concerned. The main reason why I never take my dog to dog parks is because of the lack of control of these types of issues. Thank you!!!